Monday, October 10, 2011


LUKE 10:40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made...
As a church planter it is easy to become distracted with the preparations. Wait that's a little self serving. Let me start over. Living in todays  world of hurry up get it done, deadlines, full schedules, its easy to become distracted from our time with God trying to make ends meet. Maybe we miss the majority of Gods blessings because we are to busy to notice them. The reality is that we allot time for anything that is important to us. The old excuse "I don't have time" is really just is saying that something isn't  important enough to me for me to allow time in my schedule to get it done. The fact of the matter is that I cant do everything I want, but I do have enough time to do everything God wants me to do. Maybe I am getting wiser or maybe just older but I enjoy life more when I am traveling GODSPEED. I enjoy my mornings with God by my fireplace before anyone else is up. Walks with my wife after dinner, Dates with my daughter to the local coffee shop, a sleepy Sunday afternoon of football watching with my son. All things that I could miss when I am traveling my speed, " distracted by the preparations". GODSPEED, This expression is used especially when someone is leaving on a journey for a specific purpose. That is, it is not just a general wish for a safe journey, or generic 'good luck', but a wish/prayer that they will have success in what they are setting out to do. Thus, though used mainly when someone is literally setting out, it can also simply be used to wish someone well in a VENTURE they are embarking on, even if it does not involve a physical journey. Planting a new church is an amazing VENTURE! For my sake and others I must travel GODSPEED! not myspeed. For those of you That took the time out of your venture to read this I want to encourage you to watch the sunset, enjoy someones company, make time for God, dont get so distracted by all the preparations, and my prayer for you is GODSPEED!

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