Sunday, July 31, 2011


EXODUS 33:12 Moses said to the Lord, you have been telling me to lead these people but you have not let me know WHOM you will send with me.
Moses was a great leader, yet was looking for a mentor, a coach, a teacher to go with him and help him lead the journey. Perhaps thats what made him such a good leader is knowing he couldn't do it on his own. I am grateful God is giving me an opportunity to get coached up by some amazing leaders and pastors. Sitting on the sidelines is hard after 25 yrs of ministry, but  I am more excited about the second half than I have ever been, not just more excitment, but more wisdom, more discernment, and most of all some coaches in my corner that have my best interest in mind. Cant wait to see what God has planned. Thanks Pastors, Chris Hodges, Lane Schranz, Dino Rizzo, and others for investing in my life.
Some have asked if there was a problem or a burn out? The Answer is No! Yet we all need to evaluate the progress of our journey from time to time, and not be to proud to ask for help from those who have done more and gone farther. Check our goals check our behavior and make sure they match.

Saturday, July 23, 2011


ECC 3:1 there is a time for everything......
The older I get the more I realize that life is to good to rush through it! I think rushing and busyness is a bad habit we get into in our American culture. We wear it like a badge thinking it makes us look important. Like God giving the children of Israel manna for one day at a time, He gives us grace and strength one day at a time. When I try to live tomorrow, today, I begin to feel the pressure and stress, rushing through today and forfeiting my peace.
This season of rest in my life I am learning to live life with 'margins' and resisting getting my self worth from how much I accomplish. Dont get me wrong I am still a get it done personality but Ive stopped 'driving ' in rush hour and the scenery is so much better. my car can only drive one direction at a time.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


So honored to be a guest at 'Church of the Highlands"
Pastor Chris Hodges preached an amazing message this morning on 'doors'
Rev.3:7-8 what he opened no man can shut... that's the part of the vs. that really stuck with me, when God opens a door of opportunity, blessing, direction etc. nobody can close that door or stop Gods plan for our lives. vs8 goes on to say "I know your deeds' in other words we don't have to be perfect to receive Gods open door of blessing and direction, even if we've added some chapters to his story for ur lives. it can still have his desired ending
Psalms 139:16

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Psalms 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures......
Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God...
I am so grateful for this time I have had to "be still"and the time that God is giving me in "green pastures" at THE CHURCH OF THE HIGHLANDS, with Pastor Chris Hodges and team.
When you look at the lives of great people I think you will find that they knew how to be still. A lost practice in our society, after all we wear busyness as a badge of importance and achievement. Many people are like the kid on a rocking horse, plenty of action but not much progress.
The shepherd in Psalms 23 knew that the sheep needed a break in the green pastures. God knows we need to break from the hurries of life and he promises to renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31)
I am finding that I get a lot more accomplished when I rest in him then when I stress to achieve. being still and chillin out is still one of my biggest challenges, maybe because the enemy knows that when I wait and rest in green pasture its then that I hear Gods voice and he sets my life in order, and God gets things done much better and faster then I do.
There is good company in the green pastures.
Elijah- found God there in the still small voice
Moses - met with God at a burning bush in a lonely wilderness
Jesus- yes Jesus to, took time to be alone with God to renew his strength
people have asked me what I have been doing since I resigned my church, and what I am doing in Alabama.
My answer, very simple.
Just chilln out!

Monday, July 11, 2011


2 COR. 2:14-16 But thanks be to God who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the FRAGRANCE of the knowledge of him. For we are to God the AROMA of Christ among those being saved and those who are perishing. To the one we are the SMELL of death to the other the FRAGRANCE of life...
Have you ever asked the question "Whats that smell?"
Smell perhaps more than anything, can trigger a memory of a person, place or thing.
In 2007 Starbucks was loosing business, only to discover the problem was they had lost the AROMA that had made them unique. I have often said that some things are better caught then taught. Think about it every coffee shop sells coffee. They all have a lot in common, the difference for Starbucks is not what can be seen but what  you SMELL! They're smell is what sets the atmosphere and experience that distinguish them from other coffee shops.
I wounder if the church has in some ways lost its smell?
the smell of Grace, Authenticity, Care, etc. every church, on Sunday, was selling the same product. We preach from the same Bible, often sing the same songs, preach the same sermons. Just maybe the thing that separates Life giving, growing, healthy church from dead church  or any other gatherings for that matter isn't what you see and hear but what you sense (smell)
Lets not become religious stinkers but have the AROMA of grace!
Nuff said

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Peacemaker or Peacetaker

Psalms 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.
I had a Starbucks today with an old friend who like me has been hurt by people who call themselves Christians. It got me to thinking about what Jesus preached in Matt 5:9
Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS for they will be called the sons of God.
The Hebrew word for peace is  'shalom' which in definition is more than the absence of war and strife. Shalom = the positive presence of harmony,wholeness,soundness, well-being, and success in all areas of life.
Yet peace does not just happen that's why Jesus is blessing the "PEACEMAKER".

I cant wait for the peacetaker to make the first move. In order to maintain peace, harmony,and unity in my life I have to MAKE PEACE ( peacemaker)then I receive wholeness, soundness, well-being, and success!
I love the promise of Jesus if we determine to be PEACEMAKERS then we will be called the SONS of God. All through scripture its the SONS, not the children, who receive the blessings of the father.
Could it be that If we will take the high road and get over our hurts, as real as they are, and become peacemakers to the peacetakers then we will receive the blessing of son-ship which is harmony,wholeness,soundness,well-being,and success.
Maybe I should do some more peacemaking, even to those who have done me wrong, after all is that what Jesus (son of God) did.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Luke 10:38-42 are worried about many things, but only ONE THING is needed and it wont be taken away (spending time at Jesus feet)
Proverbs 4:23 above all else guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life
You can choose from one of two teachers in life
1 the teacher of revelation
2 the teacher of situation
I can learn from sitting at the feet of Jesus:(Mary) church attendance, devotions, prayer and worship time. This gives me revelation of his purpose for my life. Other wise I can ignore the teaching I receive become to busy in life for sitting at the feet of Jesus, and be forced to learn from situation, because God loves me to much to leave me the way I am. ( Martha)
I am enjoying a season in my life doing the ONE THING.