Saturday, September 17, 2011


EPHESIANS 4:11-13 IT WAS GOD WHO GAVE SOME TO BE APOSTLES, PROPHETS, EVANGELISTS, PASTORS, AND TEACHERS. TO PREPARE GODS PEOPLE FOR THE WORKS OF THE MINISTRY, SO THAT THE BODY OF CHRIST MAY BE BUILT UP, UNTIL WE ALL REACH UNITY IN THE FAITH.                                                                                                                 I wounder sometimes if we don't put spiritual leaders in the wrong category of our lives. It seems to me that in our societies need to have heroes, we often look for, in mere humans or organizations, only what God can bring. Is it possible that we want  Pastors or churches to fulfill the needs and wants that only God can fulfill? Is it possible that's why we become disappointed, or in some cases angry at our churches and spiritual leaders when we realize they are really just Clark Kent and dealing with their own kryptonite
Superman had disappeared! Some years later we find him married to Lois Lane under the name Jordan Elliot. Working as a mechanic living happily ever after as an ordinary husband and father. Declaring  "Superman is overrated, he was way to wrapped up in himself." Maybe he tried to hard to be what everyone wanted him to be, maybe he began to believe his own press, Could the real kryptonite be the pressure of trying to be the man of steel? Did he get caught up in his own mythology? Did he loose his real source of power? Did he let things become to personal? Was he simply tired of fighting off bad guys for everyone else when he had some of his own to fight off?
I guess even Superman can loose his way.
The Villains that keep him grounded, and hiding? Lex Luthor, Armorgeddon,  Bizarro? Not a chance. I think its the judgement, cynicism, and unforgiveness of others that keep him living as Clark Kent instead of leaping tall buildings and helping those in need.
Well I am no Superman! I do know that  wearing tights or capes wont make us strong, its only in our weakness that God becomes strong in our lives. We dont need Superman after all, We need God! The real master of the universe. However it would be nice to be friends with Clark Kent, you never know when you might need to be stronger than a locomotive, and faster than a speeding bullet that only comes from the power of true friendship


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Sorry, the above deletion was me. I was signed in under my daughter's name. {oops}!

    Your thoughts here are so true.

    My husband and I were sitting here chatting about church in general and our time at ROC came up. We were talking about the sermon "Now Jericho" that you preached.
    Anyways, wanted to pop in and say "Hi". My husband and I were youth leaders and sat in your office with you as we had meetings during the youth pastor transition.

    Anyways, just wanted to pop in and say hello and we're thinking of you. You made a deep impact in our spiritual lives and we never had a chance to really thank you. God used you to grow us tremendously in several areas.
    In Him,
    Christin Slade
