Sunday, July 17, 2011


So honored to be a guest at 'Church of the Highlands"
Pastor Chris Hodges preached an amazing message this morning on 'doors'
Rev.3:7-8 what he opened no man can shut... that's the part of the vs. that really stuck with me, when God opens a door of opportunity, blessing, direction etc. nobody can close that door or stop Gods plan for our lives. vs8 goes on to say "I know your deeds' in other words we don't have to be perfect to receive Gods open door of blessing and direction, even if we've added some chapters to his story for ur lives. it can still have his desired ending
Psalms 139:16


  1. Amazing thanks for sharing! It's a word in due season for me as well! I pray God pours back into you what you have poured into thousands of lives this month! ~ Katie Farrell

  2. Thats really good stuff. I am finding a lot of doors I thought were shut for good are reopening in my life. God's plans and provisions are perfect even when we are not.
