Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Peacemaker or Peacetaker

Psalms 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity.
I had a Starbucks today with an old friend who like me has been hurt by people who call themselves Christians. It got me to thinking about what Jesus preached in Matt 5:9
Blessed are the PEACEMAKERS for they will be called the sons of God.
The Hebrew word for peace is  'shalom' which in definition is more than the absence of war and strife. Shalom = the positive presence of harmony,wholeness,soundness, well-being, and success in all areas of life.
Yet peace does not just happen that's why Jesus is blessing the "PEACEMAKER".

I cant wait for the peacetaker to make the first move. In order to maintain peace, harmony,and unity in my life I have to MAKE PEACE ( peacemaker)then I receive wholeness, soundness, well-being, and success!
I love the promise of Jesus if we determine to be PEACEMAKERS then we will be called the SONS of God. All through scripture its the SONS, not the children, who receive the blessings of the father.
Could it be that If we will take the high road and get over our hurts, as real as they are, and become peacemakers to the peacetakers then we will receive the blessing of son-ship which is harmony,wholeness,soundness,well-being,and success.
Maybe I should do some more peacemaking, even to those who have done me wrong, after all is that what Jesus (son of God) did.

1 comment:

  1. Being a "peacemaker" with our "peace taker" is probably one of the most difficult things we can do. I'm so glad that Jesus has set the example for us to praise him in the storms of life.
    Thanks Ken, for pouring into my life.
    Where we're at is not where we have to stay!!! Praising God for that.
    Mike McBride (Washington)
