Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Psalms 23:2 He makes me lie down in green pastures......
Psalms 46:10 Be still and know that I am God...
I am so grateful for this time I have had to "be still"and the time that God is giving me in "green pastures" at THE CHURCH OF THE HIGHLANDS, with Pastor Chris Hodges and team.
When you look at the lives of great people I think you will find that they knew how to be still. A lost practice in our society, after all we wear busyness as a badge of importance and achievement. Many people are like the kid on a rocking horse, plenty of action but not much progress.
The shepherd in Psalms 23 knew that the sheep needed a break in the green pastures. God knows we need to break from the hurries of life and he promises to renew our strength (Isaiah 40:31)
I am finding that I get a lot more accomplished when I rest in him then when I stress to achieve. being still and chillin out is still one of my biggest challenges, maybe because the enemy knows that when I wait and rest in green pasture its then that I hear Gods voice and he sets my life in order, and God gets things done much better and faster then I do.
There is good company in the green pastures.
Elijah- found God there in the still small voice
Moses - met with God at a burning bush in a lonely wilderness
Jesus- yes Jesus to, took time to be alone with God to renew his strength
people have asked me what I have been doing since I resigned my church, and what I am doing in Alabama.
My answer, very simple.
Just chilln out!

1 comment:

  1. It is time to learn from the past. We do feel society wants us to run run run. I think it is to get us to spend spend spend.
    It is good for our heart and soul to rest our soul.
